How to enable the Koalify duplicate cards in the right hand sidebar of HubSpot contacts & companies?

Easily merge duplicates in HubSpot on the contact and company pages by enabled the Koalify cards.

1. Navigate to the "Record Customization" tab

  • In your HubSpot account, click the ⚙️ settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Objects, then select the object for which you’d like to edit the right sidebar.
  • Choose the "Record Customization" tab

2. Edit the "Default view" (or a dedicated team view)

  • Click the Default view.
  • Click Add cards just above the right sidebar cards.
  • Click on Apps
  • Select "Contact / Company Duplicates" to enable the Koalify card.

Add right sidebard cards

  • By default, new cards are added to the bottom of the list. To ensure the Koalify card is easily visible, drag the card to a higher position in the list.

Position Right Hand Sidebar

Learn how to use these cards enable easy merging on contact and company pages.