1. Koalify Knowledge Base
  2. Duplicate & primary rules

How to create Duplicate Rules to identify HubSpot dupes with Koalify

Koalify gives you the power to set custom criteria for detecting duplicate contacts, companies and deals! 💪

1. Navigate to the Koalify app settings page

  • In your HubSpot account, click the ⚙️ settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  • In the left sidebar menu, navigate to Integrations, Connected Apps
  • Find "Koalify", Click the Actions, Go to settings
  • Click "Edit Duplicate Rules" in the Duplicate Rules section.

App Settings Page V

2. Create duplicate rule

  • Navigate to the Contact, Companies or Deals tab
  • Click "Create Rule"
  • Add a name of the rule you want to create
  • Click "Add Filter" to add criteria for identifying duplicates
    • Select a property that you would like to use in your rules
    • The following match criteria are available
      • matches property
        • The selected property of record A matches the selected property of record B
      • matches property (or unknown)
        • The selected property of record A matches the selected property of record B, even if one or both properties are unknown.
      • contains exactly
        • The selected properties of record A and record B must contain a specific value.
      • does not contains exactly
        • The selected properties of record A and record B must not contain a specific value.
      • is known
        • the selected property of record & A and record B are both known
      • is unknown
        • the selected property of record & A and record B are both unkown
      • is any of
        • The selected properties of record A and record B are equal to specific values.
      • is none of
        • The selected properties of record A and record B are not equal to specific values.
  • Click "Test Rule" to estimate the number of duplicates
  • Click "Save Rule" to publish your new duplicate rule to your account
  • After saving the rule, you can keep track of its status and access the following options:
    • Draft
    • Searching duplicates
    • Updating Koalify Properties
    • Active

3. Edit an existing duplicate rule

  • Click on an the name of an existing duplicate rule you want to edit
  • Edit the name of the rule you want to chance
  • Click "Add Filter" to add criteria for identifying duplicates
  • Click on an existing filter to update or remove that filter

4. Delete an existing duplicate rule

  • Click on an the name of an existing duplicate rule you want to delete
  • Click "Delete" next to "Test" and "Save"