How to create custom rules to set the primary record for HubSpot duplicates

This article explains how to configure primary duplicate rules in Koalify to determine which record is identified as the primary duplicate during the merging process.

When you deduplicate records in HubSpot, you merge a secondary record into a primary contact or company record. Setting the primary duplicate rules in Koalify determines which record is identified as the primary duplicate for each set of duplicate records.

The following options are available when you navigate to the Koalify App Settings and click "Configure" next to "Primary Rules":

  • First Created : Records will be merged into the oldest record based on the Create date property.
  • Last Created: Records will be merged into the newest record based on the Create date property.
  • Owner Exists > First Created: Records will be merged into the record which has an owner or fall back to the oldest records based on the Create date property.
  • Last Activity Date: Records will be merged into the record with the most recent value for the Last activity date property. Activities that impact this property include notes, calls, tracked and logged sales emails, meetings, LinkedIn/SMS/WhatsApp messages, tasks, or chats.
  • Last Engagement Date: Records will be merged into the record with the most recent value for the Last Engagement date property. Engagements that impact this property include interactions with website pages, forms, documents, meeting links, or tracked one-to-one emails.

Update Koalify primary duplicate rule in the app settings

Configuring the Primary Rules in the Koalify app settings impacts the Koalify Primary Duplicate ID, which is used in two key areas:

  1. Koalify Workflow Action: The Koalify workfow action "Merge Duplicate" merges records into the designated Koalify Primary Duplicate ID. 

    Koalify primary duplicate rule for workflow action
  2. Koalify Duplicate Cards: These cards suggest the primary duplicate to merge into, but you still have the option to manually merge into a different record if needed.

    Koalify primary duplicate rule for duplicate cards