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When to merge HubSpot duplicates in bulk versus manually

Merging HubSpot duplicates can be a daunting task, especially for users with hundreds or even thousands of duplicates. To get to zero duplicates in HubSpot, you’ll want to combine bulk merging with manual merges. This guide will help you decide when to merge in bulk and when to handle duplicates manually.

Bulk merging for strict duplicates

How to set strict rules for accurate bulk merging

We recommend using bulk or automatic merging for certain duplicates.
This approach works best when you can clearly identify duplicates based on strict duplicate rules.

Here are some examples:


  • First Name, Last Name, and (Mobile) Phone Number match.
  • First Name, Last Name, and Company Name match.
  • First Name, Last Name, and (IP) City match.


  • Company Name and Phone Number match.
  • Company Name and Street Address match.

Strict HubSpot Duplicate Contact Rule With Koalify PNG

How to automate accurate bulk merges

Use these strict duplicate criteria as enrollment triggers in your workflows.
This way, duplicates will be automatically merged as soon as they are identified.

Merge Strict HubSpot duplicate Automatically With Koalify

Manual Review for Uncertain Duplicates

How to set broader rules to identify potential duplicates

Not all duplicates can be identified with certainty and therefore merged automatically. Some will require manual review to ensure accuracy. These can be managed by users who regularly interact with duplicate cards. Consider the following rules for manual merging:


  • First Name and Last Name match.
  • (Mobile) Phone Number match.


  • Company Name match.
  • Phone Number match.

Broad HubSpot Duplicate Contact Rule with Koalify

How to merge potential duplicates manually

Use these broarder duplicate criteria to identify potential duplicates.
This way, duplicates will be manually merged as soon as they are identified.


Broard HubSpot Duplicate Contact Merge Using Koalify Duplicate Cards

By following these guidelines, you can efficiently manage your duplicates and achieve zero duplicates in HubSpot.
Happy merging!